Events in Barcelona:2020:09:Lorca Library COM/EN

Urban culture

Lorca Library

05 September

08:00 PM

Enjoy this event

Enjoy the installation from July 24 to September 5.

Set designer and architect Núria Torrell was the person who created the temporary installation inspired by the figure of Federico García Lorca that people can visit in the coming weeks in the Gallery space, on the ground floor of CASA SEAT.

The installation is a nod towards the travelling theatre company La Barraca, which sought to bring theatre to everyone. The Biblioteca Lorquiana seeks to take up this mission and offer visitors the possibility to take home a free copy of one of the following Lorca plays:

  • Así que pasen cinco años
  • Amor de don Perlimplín con Belisa en su jardín
  • Bodas de sangre
  • Yerma
  • La casa de Bernarda Alba

There are 300 copies available. Come along to CASA SEAT at any time, get yours and spend your summer getting theatre and culture moving!